Enhanced Home Design Team

Katelynn Thiemann

I live in Saskatoon with my husband, Tim, and our two beautiful children, Karter and Noah. I relate to my clients as I was once disorganized in my space and in my mind. I thought that my creative mind was to blame for always losing my keys and that there was nothing I could do to change it.

By implementing organization systems in my life, I now have the freedom to create and enjoy my family without clutter and constant “picking-up after”.

I began my career working as an Early Childhood Educator then transitioned into secretarial work. These two jobs combine to give me a unique set of skills that seem to have lead me straight into a career helping others to streamline their busy lives and enjoy their homes. Ty and I can’t wait to bring structure and serenity to your home.

Ty -Saskatchewan home organizer and unpacking services

Ty Boxall

I am from Preeceville, Sk and am so excited to bring this service to not just Saskatoon but into the North- East and surrounding areas! I absolutely love creating beautiful and well functioning spaces.

Peace of mind for me has always come from a clean and well-organized home and I am excited to work with you to make your home inspire peace within yourself. I work in the agriculture industry where I have developed my business skills and I am ready to apply those skills to Enhanced Home Design.

I have many passions I draw my inspiration from such as agriculture, travelling and working with animals. My favorite way to spend my Saturdays are either on the water or on the back of a horse. As a busy professional, I know the importance of a well organized life and Katelynn and I can help you take the first step.

We are so fortunate to come from a family full of strong women who taught us the value of hard-work, creativity, and honesty. When you work with Enhanced Home Design, we bring these traits into every project we do and ensure it is finished to the highest of standards.