How to Enjoy Unpacking!

Don’t strain yourself with that eyeroll, we promise to help you through this task!

  • Easy unpacking start with good packing:

    1. When you’re packing, try to pack like items together and label your boxes with EVERY item inside. If you just write “kitchen” on 7 boxes, how are you going to find a plate or a cup for your morning coffee?

    2. If you label Rubbermaid containers in your move, bug spray or magic erasers will remove sharpie easily.

  • Where you put it is where it will likely stay:

    1. We know the temptation of just shoving everything a cupboard and telling yourself you will deal with it later, but resist the temptation! Not only will you and your family get very used to everything being in that specific spot, but it will likely be years, if ever, before you consider changing it around.

  • Give yourself a deadline:

    1. Set a date to be done and plan to have people over. Planning a house warming or a BBQ will be just the thing you need to get going on your unpacking.

<- Click image to be linked to playlist!

Play some music:

  • When you turn on the TV you are going to either miss your show or get distracted. Listening to music is proven to increase your productivity and boost your energy! Try this playlist on YouTube!

  • Have a good-old-fashioned unpacking party:

    1. Okay, maybe putting “good-old-fashioned” in front of something a party does not make but if you pump the aforementioned playlist, and serve up some mocktails or open a bottle of wine, good friends will come!

    2. Another way to lure friends and family over is with a charcutier board (have you seen the new Charcuterie Cup trend?) If you’ve never made a cheese board, all you need is a cutting board and our Pinterest board.

  • Use the 5-Minute Hack

    • This tip can help you get cracking on just about anything in your life.

    • Set a timer for just 5 minutes and get to work. Once, you're up and seeing how much progress you can get done in 5 minutes, you will want to continue! And if not, you're 5 minutes further than you were before.

  • Task Bundling:

    1. If the task of unpacking still seems too daunting, try coupling it with a reward. Maybe splurge on an audiobook to listen to while you’re unpacking. Or promise yourself that once your kitchen is unpacked, you will buy that adjustable spice rack that you’ve been longing for (or maybe that’s just us).

  • Send the kids or pets away:

    1. Having your sweet little ones running around can be so uplifting, but when you’re trying to unpack, it can feel over-whelming!

    2. If having someone watch your kids isn’t an options, consider getting stuff done while they’re napping.

  • Think of the end goal:

    1. Just like any other tough task, thinking about the end results can help you get through it. Picture your home all unpacked and ready to live in!

  • CALL US:

    1. If we still haven’t convinced you or you’re just too busy, give us a call! The team at Enhanced Home Design can work with you or let us work while you’re working! You can come home to a beautifully organized space at the end of your work day!


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