The After after the after photo…
What is the after after the after photo? Your before photo is when it’s a mess, your after is when it’s clean and fresh, and your after after photo is when it’s back to being a mess. If this is happening to you, chances are you just need to implement an organization system to keep everything in it’s place!
Here’s the deal, we all get busy and when your company is looming and supper is boiling over AND you need to tidy up, you just need somewhere for the junk to hide. If you have a drawer or closet with space to hide objects in, that is what will happen.
This is my junk drawer with no tidying (even though my pride REALLY wanted me to stage it). I put the organizers in about 3 months ago and it has kept itself clean ever since! I don’t label my inserts as it doesn’t align with my organizational style, but you definitely could!
Are the categories perfect? No.
Will I have to throw out little items down the line?
Is it that much more functional?
Does this work for any space?
Find Out How Below!
So how do you avoid having the after after the after photo?
For starter, go find a pretty box, bin, basket, whatever you like and out it in your high traffic pile up spot. Bottom or top of the stairs for items that need to go up or down or in your kitchen, on the hutch, or counter.
Now this is important: NOTHING lives here permanently!
This is for items that are in transit to their home and should be emptied at least every other day.
Figure out your organizing style by following the link at the end of this post.
Measure your space and find appropriate containers, dividers and bins to keep your closet, drawer, lazy Susan, or shelf organized. Some tips to keep in mind:
Storing items vertically where you can will always maximize your space
Matching product will give your space a cohesive look
Pull everything out of the space and put everything back; grouping like items together.
Put touch items (frequently used) around waste height and lesser used items high or low.
If just reading this makes you feel tired, get in touch and let the Enhanced Home Design Team help!
What is your organizational style?